Friday, August 5, 2011

Everyone Needs a Break!

Sending kids to overnight camp is a great experience for kids and parents alike.   Though hard to say the 'goodbyes,' the break is beneficial for everyone.   Kids gain independence, self-reliance, and freedom.  Parents gain perspective, peace of mind, and a little quiet.  Everyone experiences a little down time from the usual busy routine.   So, you ask, what does this have to do with the museum world?   The answer:  Everything.   As a consultant, I am constantly hearing how 'tired,' 'burnt out,' 'busy,' 'overwhelmed,' and 'overworked' museum staff are feeling.   "We can't do one more thing...there aren't enough hours in a day..."   Many haven't used allotted vacation or personal time because you say there is too much to do.   Really?   The more I encounter this the more I can tell you it's not true.   Everyone needs a break.  Not just a day here or there, but a real break.  From your work, your colleagues, your museum, and from your to do list.   Schedule your vacation time and take it.  Everyone will benefit.