Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Defining Communication

Communication is different today than yesterday, different from last week, last month, last year, and drastically different from five or even ten years ago.   Social media clearly makes the concept clear in showing us that there is more than one way of knowing about something and clearly more than one way of communicating it.
As I work with museums large and small to strengthen educational programs and offerings or assist museums in being stronger and more relevant members of their communities, I stress the importance of communication.  But I've noticed that this can be confusing for staff and board alike, especially those places with various generations represented.   Everyone is working on getting the museum message out, but often there is little or no direct communication with one another.    By communication I mean 'talking' or 'meeting' face to face.   We have so many communication tools available to us we are drowning under their weight.  Office mates are learning about each other's comings and goings on Twitter & Facebook...we are all busy and we are all trying to keep up with the latest way to reach our audiences, but we can't forget the power of being 'on the same page' as our colleagues - having coffee, having lunch, sitting down for a few minutes of face to face conversation  - you will be reminded of the importance of body language, ideas and real human contact - try it!

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