Sunday, November 18, 2012

In with the 'New'

At a recent museum conference, a provocative keynote speaker brought up some interesting ideas about museums creating sparks and making 'liquid' connections with visitors.   Other sessions focused on innovation ("innovation is arguing, not brainstorming")...and there was a lot of buzz about igniting collective curiosity and how the word 'curate,' which used to be pretty museum exclusive, is now everywhere.   And, museums are embracing participation at every level, realizing some keys to success lie in not only listening well, but giving up some of the control we are all accustomed to.   It's healthy for our profession and it keeps us vibrant.   Keep that in mind when your staff tries to shape your programs and exhibits from start to scratch.   That is just not business as usual any longer, and it means you need to listen better, opening your doors to the endless possibilities that go along with ideas generated thru innovation, creating your own definition of what 'curate' means for you.

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